Filip Vítek vlastne iba zhŕňa článok z Wired o tom, že McDonald investoval 300 miliónov dolárov do izraelskej firmy, ktorá sa zaoberá spracovaním dát umelou inteligenciou. Trend v dnešnej dobe čoraz viac vypuklý.

Signal vs. Noise: Evolving and explaining how we run our company

you should treat your company as a product too

Tak ako sa človek stará o svoje produkty, mal by sa starať aj o svoju firmu a zamestnancov – mať pripravený plán, záložný plán, odpovede na otázky… V Basecampe na to majú celý Employee Handbook, ktorý priebežne updatujú a zdieľajú aj so svetom.

When customers choose to buy your product, they should know what kind of company makes it. We think that the more open we can be about our internal practices, the more comfortable the public – our customers – can feel about doing business with us.

A Point of View: Is there still any point collecting books?

Trocha kontroverzná téma. Zvlášť vo svete knihomolov.

It would be like me ordering a meal and not eating it,“ he said. An eventuality that was, indeed, inconceivable. „I’ll open them all one day, when I have to,“ I told him. But by his reasoning they would, by that time, have gone cold. And the truth is there remain hundreds I haven’t opened yet. Cold on my shelves, they stare out at me, with chill reproach. But who’s to say the hour won’t yet come when they are needed?

Technology cannot replace a book. No matter that I can quickly find a digital version of a novel I’m looking for, I still fly into a rage when I discover I no longer have it, and remember who borrowed and didn’t return it, five, 10, 20 years ago. For it is irreplaceable. It has my scribblings in it. The marginal expletives. The turned-down pages. The bus ticket or taxi receipt or even billet doux employed as a bookmark – not just the marginalia of an intellectual life but the detritus of the heart. And that you don’t get on a Kindle, or a free e-book courtesy of Project Gutenberg. What you can’t bend or throw or write on isn’t, in the end, literature.

Tomas Votruba: Trends of PHP Frameworks in Numbers

The active community, with long duration and rising trend will provide a much better idea, how the framework is really successful. You can use marketing and made up stories, but if the community isn’t happy with the framework in the long term, the numbers will show.

It seems that the most active community is now CakePHP.